sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2011

Movie Quotes 1

Título Original: Ferris Bueller´s Day Off
Ano: 1986
Realizador: John Hughes
Actores: Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara, Jeffrey Jones, Jennifer Grey.

Ferris: ...Hey Cameron, your realize that if we played by the rules we´d be in gym?

Ferris: If you´re not here in fifteen minutes, you can find a new best friend.
Cameron: You´ve been saying that since the fifth grade.

Cameron: Ok, Ferris. Can we just let it go, please?
Sloane: Ferris, please. You´ve gone too far. We´re going to get busted.
Ferris: A/Youcan never go too far; B/If I´m going to get busted, it´s not by a guy like that.

Ferris: Cameron has never been in love - at least, nobody's ever been in love with him. If things don't change for him, he's gonna marry the first girl he lays, and she's gonna treat him like shit, because she will have given him what he has built up in his mind as the end-all, be-all of human existence. She won't respect him, 'cause you can't respect somebody who kisses your ass. It just doesn't work.

Ferris: Life moves pretty fast. If you don´t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

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